As you may be aware, every year we have been making cards from member’s images and digitizing them to make into cards. This year we are going to do the same, but we are going to try something new. Every member can supply an image (or part of an image) in a jpg format.
The images has to be properly scanned at at least 600 dpi – 0fficeworks can do it for a few cents and you put it on a USB stick.
You pay $60 Firestation and you get your 30 cards back. Complete with envelope, cellophane bag. It will have the FPS logo on the back, your name and the title of the work and medium. I need the money upfront along with the image and details.
We will select and print more of some of the images to create the collection for FPS to sell as our fundraiser. By buying your own 30 cards, you are funding the printing of the rest, so that when we sell FPS cards, that is all profit. As you are aware, we do not get grants for operating expenses or our myriad activities. We survive on our own, save for a necessary rent rebate from City of Stonnington, which is quite wonderful in the current arts/spending climate. But to do this we need everyone on board.
We hope you will be keen to have your own cards to give to your family and friends. These are quality cards and much admired. If you want more of your own cards printed, please contact me.
This year we are changing the format and require a rectangular image or cropping. The finished card size will be 175 x 125mm.
Final date for Ordering and payment is 15 May Email here Buy here
Delivery of artwork (JPG) by 1st July 2016.
Thank you, members & friends, for your support.
As you may be aware, every year we have been making cards from member’s images and digitizing them to make into cards. This year we are going to do the same, but we are going to try something new. Every member can supply an image (or part of an image) in a jpg format.
The images has to be properly scanned at at least 600 dpi – 0fficeworks can do it for a few cents and you put it on a USB stick.
You pay $60 Firestation and you get your 30 cards back. Complete with envelope, cellophane bag. It will have the FPS logo on the back, your name and the title of the work and medium. I need the money upfront along with the image and details.
We will select and print more of some of the images to create the collection for FPS to sell as our fundraiser. By buying your own 30 cards, you are funding the printing of the rest, so that when we sell FPS cards, that is all profit. As you are aware, we do not get grants for operating expenses or our myriad activities. We survive on our own, save for a necessary rent rebate from City of Stonnington, which is quite wonderful in the current arts/spending climate. But to do this we need everyone on board.
We hope you will be keen to have your own cards to give to your family and friends. These are quality cards and much admired. If you want more of your own cards printed, please contact me.
This year we are changing the format and require a rectangular image or cropping. The finished card size will be 175 x 125mm.
Final date for Ordering and payment is 15 May Email here Buy here
Delivery of artwork (JPG) by 1st July 2016.
Thank you, members & friends, for your support.